Bank 2 Wetland Enhancement
The Tetonka Wetland Bank 2 is located in Minnehaha County southwest of Colton, South Dakota. The banking site is ideally located to make a positive contribution to water quality within the Big Sioux River Watershed. The site lies just south of Tetonka Wetland Mitigation Bank 1 and is within one mile of Clear Lake in the Skunk Creek subwatershed of the lower Big Sioux River Basin.
Restored and created wetlands at the Tetonka Wetland Mitigation Bank 2 site total 103.3 acres and are comprised of palustrine emergent, seasonally and temporarily flooded wetland types. Tetonka LLP has created 73.4 acres of wetlands where hydrology had been effectively removed by surface and subsurface drainage. Of this 73.4 created acres, 61.9 acres are prairie potholes and the remaining 11.4 acres are riparian fringe wetlands associated with the intermittent stream. Tetonka LLP has also focused on restoring the natural functions of 30 acres of existing wetlands; of these, 26.9 acres are classified as prairie potholes and 3.1 acres as riparian fringe.
The Tetonka Wetland Mitigation Bank 2 site is located within a historic lake basin. A channel dug in 1903 drained the shallow lake, and additional ditches and subsurface tile fought the site's natural tendency to pond water. These modifications were used to effectively drain the bank site for row cropping. Only slight manipulations, such as the destruction of existing tile lines and small terraces, were required to return wetland hydrology to most of the site. Following these hydrology changes and along with additional seeding efforts, native perennial wetland plant communities have thrived.
The site is bordered by county roads to the south and west, a deep channel to the east, and the Tetonka Wetland Mitigation Bank 1 to the north. The proximity of these two highly functioning wetland complexes has increased the value of both wetland mitigation banks to wildlife and native plants. Roads and higher elevations to the west and south minimize potential hydrological influences to nearby agricultural land. Based on its distance from urban centers and the value of local cropland, the site remains within an agricultural matrix that allows for a high level of functions related to wildlife habitat.
The site is located outside of urban growth areas and in close proximity to Clear Lake and a large complex of non-farmed wetlands. The Fish and Wildlife Service maintains a waterfowl production area on the shores of Clear Lake, and two South Dakota Game Fish and Parks game production areas are adjacent to the lake. Game Fish and Parks also actively manages the fishery in Clear Lake. As a result of these management activities, this location provides optimal opportunities for the banking site to be used by waterfowl and other wildlife. Removing the current land use disturbances from the banking site and establishing native cover has enhanced wildlife habitat. Furthermore, restoring natural hydrology to the site has provided additional opportunities for resting, feeding, and/or nesting by breeding and migratory waterfowl. In a landscape context, the bank has enlarged the area of quality habitat and provided connectivity among existing habitats.